Lets keep in mind that it Is Winter. So that means that it do tend to get COLD. However, Jack Frost, "The Hawk" and his son are out there full blast, and their victims are the too cute chicks who decide to wear a lil leather jacket and no hat, while standing at the bus stop at 3am...or ANY AM hour. I was lucky to escape the Snow of NYC, by relocating down south some years ago, but I damn sure didn't Escape the COLD!!! brrrrrr...its Brick city...Time for me to go into my trunk and pull out my 'Face. Now, by 'Face, I mean, a coat by the popular brand THE NORTH FACE. I almost said outerwear brand, but TNF do so much more. I've seen tee shirts, bookbags, pocketbooks and purses..boots, you name it.
I happen to own a North Face parka, or as we call it, the Big Snorkel. I also own a Steep Tech coat. Very stylish. Very fly. Not as warm, and not as cumbersome as the snorkel, which I dubbed, "The Big Bear". I do find that since I drive more, and stand at bus stops less, I have no real need for the snorkel, but the steep tech, comes out to play on just an occasion like this.
One day, while in a TNF store in the mall, I got into a conversation with the black sales clerk in the store. He inquired about my high top beef & broccolis aka the Gore tex timbs, and as we both agreed that certain gear can't be found down here, "you have to go uptop" (His words, not Mine) we went into the discussion about the Steep Tech jackets, which actually made me walk in the store. With his eyes lowered, and the shame in his voice, he told me (on da low) that TNF don't really make or plan to make any more Steep Techs, due to the overwhelming attention they receive from the 'Urban' community. Did he I hear that right? URBAN? like Urban as in Black & Latino kids, from the hood, buying expensive coats. Just when I thought our buying power meant something. lol. Who am I kidding. It DON'T !!!! we are just consumers. young people that like to look fly. We've made alot of people Rich over the years. So, As what I had already knew, came out of the horse's mouth, (or the sales clerk's mouth) I eyed a few things in the store, gave him some info about buying boots online, if he don't make the NY trip, took a look back at the store, and was off about my merry way... I said all of this to say, TNF is Still a cool brand, in my book, and the STEEP TECH line is still a cool jacket. I ain't gonna lie, I don't see too many white folk rockin' em, and there definitely ain't no mountains in the hood.It is what it is. Right after, I got ahold of a rep from THE NORTH FACE on the phone, in the US office and inquired about this. Apparently, TNF is still doing the Steep Tech line. As well as a line called the Steep line (which is similar) its basically up to the Retailer, as to which piece, they want to carry. This TNF store in the mall, Don't want the 'urban' attention. (lemme find out, they got steamed a couple times ) Don't matter, It is what it is...We Urbanites will continue to do what we've been doing for Years...
TAKE A BRAND, ROCK IT, AND MAKE IT OUR OWN!!!! We 'urban' kids have been doing this and doing it Well for Years. We STILL CONTINUE TO DO IT. WE SET THE TRENDS. NO MATTER WHO DON'T WANT US IN IT.
and now, the Steep Tech pics
oh look, a non-urban wit a STEEP TECH
..and another one

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