Remember goin to the club, to church, or maybe even the first day of school...You had your mind made what was gonna come out. You might've pranced around in the outfit, turning, looking in the mirror, over and over again. You might've just layed everything out on the bed, mixing and matching, pants to socks, sweaters, to jackets, sneakers to hats. Fast forward to the age of technology and social media. Facebook and Instagram. Where everyone's Daily activities, lives, stresses, struggles, ideas, thoughts, likes, lusts and loathes are played out right at your fingertips. Who don't visit a fb or an instagram page, Just to see what people are posting today... 5 minutes Hour ago, etc. Out of all my FB and IG friends I have, there is one page that I like to see on a regular basis. My dude, Prance, (or as some may know him as Prancer the Dancer from the hip hop group Zhigge, or just plain Prance Lo), started something. The layout movement. Where he lays out, the days gear from hat, shirt, jacket, boots, sneakers, Even Socks.The combinations are put together so smoove. Its like, as he told me, "Dressing a mannequin, but Without the mannequin". It all starts with the weather, then the season, then the color scheme. I myself, have tried to do the layout thing, but I don't know, maybe the way I'm holding the camera, the lighting, maybe I'm lacking some of the fresh gear thats in these pics. One things for sure, I see his IG pics, and I get some cool ideas. He told me, to be on the look out for a website or a book, or something, Showcasing some Ill layouts...
These pics are some of his Ill layouts....You can see for yourself why he is the official #LAYOUTKING
peep the fire



this was on a Friday...FILA FLYDAY


1 comment:
Women still do this. Down to what accessories are going to be worn with the outfit.
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