TODAY IS THROWBACK THURSDAY....That means, if your involved in the internet, or social media such as the FBI (thats FaceBook +Instagram) then you know, Thursday is #TBT or #ThrowbackThursday...Its when everyone, posts pics of them, their friends, their clothes, what was hot, who was hot, famous folk, the hot sneakers from Back in the day....back in the day meaning years to a year ago. I have posted pics of myself from back in the day. People have seen the changes in my face, hair,even my weight from back then. Thing that remained the same, was my fashion sense. My Love for the Ralph Lauren POLO brand. I rocked it, in High school, because, hey, thats what Fly people wore. I wasn't an athlete, I wasn't a pretty boy, I didn't make it to class clown status, (yet) There were Decepts and Lo Lifes, and I knew both. Both were cool crews. I just didn't wanna get jumped in by a bunch of dudes, who I would later call my 'friends' to be with Decepts, So I insisted on wearing the POLO like the LO LIFES...I didn't boost much, and I didn't live or hang out in Marcus Garvey Village (Brownsville) or on St Johns & Utica (Crown heights) ***people who know LO LIFE history know what these places are**** However, I managed to do a deal here, deal there, snatch this, steal that, buy this, buy that, to get my POLO collection big.
Now POLO is a Sport, thats played on top of horses. Polo, the brand, celebrates other sports as well. From fishing, to hunting, football, hockey, tennis, golf and Skiing. I think, next to the 'man on top of the horse' aka the polo player symbol, the Downhill ski man is one of the most recognizable symbols from the Polo line. Dubbed the 'suicide' (Because if you had one, chances were, you would be hurt, or killed in a robbery attempt, it was like pure suicide wearin one)If you never seen it, or seen it and did not KNOW what you ere looking at, its just the silhouette of a man going downhill skiing, with some stars & stripes in the back of him (Ralph is big on that American Patriotism)I remember seeing the skiman like in 89/90. Right about winter. First thing I saw was the the down coat, with the symbol on back, then came matching sweatshirts, turtlenecks, sweaters, polos, long sleeve tees, they made coats with the skiman patch on the arm and made a matching wool sweater (we call em knits) . Some coats, had matching sweatShirts. Even if you didn't have the Big skiman on the back of your coat, or the front of your shirt, you had a sweatshirt, a knit, a turtleneck...If you were a polo collector/rocker, you had SUMTHING suicide...It was a real nice symbol/patch/piece...
Fast forward now, a suicide ANYTHING would fetch some big bucks on ebay. Its just how it is. Vintage is in. Whats old is new. Now there are a bunch of newer, younger gear heads, who were too young, or not even around to remember and be a part of that glorious time in fashion. So, older pics, from older cousins, friends, brothers, hell even their Fathers (and mothers) show them how it was done, and they run with it. Then you have some young dudes that see that older 'LO and they like... unfazed, but show em a BIG ASS HORSEY and they Go bananas!!! It kinda reminds me of today's youth and today's rap music...(but thats ANOTHER STORY) either way, the suicide was THAT PIECE..

1 comment:
such a shame that knit hoody was KIDS.. i remember seeing it in a store and was buggin on how small it was then i realized i was in the fuckin kids section.. and it was HOTTER than hell itself in that place this day.. *shakes head*
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