Thing is, Foxy is a pretty girl, and her being chocolate and havin a NICE RACK is a PLUS!!! However, she been rockin this Weave for a looooong time. she even did her bid with that weave. W T F ? where is her stylist? every girl, whether rapper, or hooker, or hoodrat, or lawyer, or home health aide- has THAT ONE HOMEGIRL THAT DOES SOME KIND OF HAIR... a gay homeboy or SUMTHIN!!! I mean, a bang, a pony tail wit twists, mayb cut it alil and put sum high lights a la Keri Hilson...
I think she still tryin to cover up that hearing aide...ok, so wut? we ALL KNOW YOU CAN BARELY HEAR!!!! (youtube the clip of the judge yellin at her!) Ma, get back out there, make bomb ass music, cuz BK need that hard rapstress right now... I mean really, you think anybody noticing some hearing aide when you got a Rack like yours and you wear stuff like this???
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