So, its a nice day in Bed Stuy bklyn, and you decide to go to a video shoot...before you know it, it becomes an all out family reunion/male bonding/greenery indulging/PHOTOSHOOT!!!! and if your family consists of brothas who rock that original fly ish, POLO by Ralph Lauren brand of vintage never know what can happen....
My man, Reck Lo aka Suny Redd was in the stuy today filming his upcoming video for his new joint off the "LO DOE & HOES" cd comn out later this summer. Stepping up the video making game by using an indoor studio and blue/green screen for 'special effects" he is a definate addition to the FLOOD of new music from the DOUBLE L family... and what video shoot for the dude who rocks that Lo w/pride, if you didnt have the crew come along, dipped out...peep the footage as well as photos...i tell ya, when LO LIFE$, LO PROZ, R.L.P.C. get together, WHO KNOWS WHAT CAN HAPPEN?